Thursday, March 28, 2013

Doll Life #1

Meet Vita, Gabriella and Arnet.  Vita is the owner of La Boutique. Gabriella is the manager of La Boutique and Arnet is a part time sales clerk and full time college student.
Arnet, Vita & Gabriella
The ladies have been friends for a long time.  They have witnessed Vita's on again off again relationship with Jackson. 
The ladies all worked really hard today at the Boutique.  They decided to go over to Vita's for some drinks, laughs and fun.  Upon walking out the boutique, Jackson is spotted by Vita's car standing with flowers in hand.  Gabriella and Arnet look at Vita who gets in her car and drives off as if Jackson was not standing there.
Arnet: Okay, Vita why was Jackson outside by your car and why did you just get in and drive off like he wasn't even standing there?
Vita: Well, Jackson and I are not together anymore if you most know.
Gabriella: What happened this time?
Vita: "Ughhh" (mocks Gabriella) What happened this time?  Nothing more than him being a cheater and a liar.

Arnet: Well I must admit he looked like a sick puppy dog standing there holding those flowers.  And when you got in that car and drove away I could have fell out on the ground laughing at him.  *They all laugh together*
Vita:  Well I don't want to talk about myself or Jackson lets get this ladies night popping. 
After a few hours of dancing, talking and drinks these ladies are out of it and just crash.



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