Sunday, June 2, 2013

For Sale
Shoes/Purse Lot
Please email at

I am moving and unfortunately my dolls and their things can't go.  Sad to say that I am selling them all.  I will be posting on my blog and Flicker pictures of the items that are for sale.  I am going to try mu best to group them together.  I have tons of doll clothes and shoes to get rid of.  If you are interested please let me know, ALL must go!!!!!

  This is just a sneak preview of what I am selling.  I will post the items here on my Blog if you are interested please let me know.  I can be reached via email RHALL12012@GMAIL.COM.  Shipping charges are not included in the prices that will be listed!!!!  Please spread the word I have so much Doll stuff.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Video Story

"No Funny Business"  

Watch the story here:

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Live, Love & Laugh

"No Funny Business"
Check out all my videos on youtube.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Doll's Life #18

Doll's Life 19
Videostory coming soon

Friday, May 3, 2013

Thrift Store Junkie......
This items were from Thursday 5/2/2013
chairs & table below all for $.99 cent

White shelf actually a drawer of some sort
everything was above and below was $2.

 I love going to the thrift stores.  Today I found I Love Lucy in a bag for $7 along with clothes, shoes and accessories I will post pictures soon.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

La Boutique Consignment Center
Grand Opening
May 1st
Vita is very proud to announce the opening of her Consignment store.

She realizes that she will be running a tight schedule between the Boutique and the Consignment center. 
Best wishes to Vita!!!
Watch the story:

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Identify me???

Not sure who she is, she does not have a mattel stamp.  But I would like to know who she is! 
So today my mom was cleaning out her storage shed and found a trunk full of dolls that I at some point stored at her house.  The trunk is full of all types of doll goodies, purses, shoes (pairs), clothes etc etc etc and they are all in very good condition.  I am so excited.  I plan on spending the rest of tonight going through the trunk.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Dolls Life
Scene 4
"Forgive Me"
Watch the story.........

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Parker and Natalia
"No more secrets"

Gabby: Morning, where are you all dressed and headed too?
Natalia: I am working for Adrian at the office.
Gabby: Oh, is she okay?
Natalia: She is fine.
Gabby: So why are you at the office instead of the salon?
Natalia: Really, last I checked you are my sister not my mother.  You are 25 and I am 23 and you questioning me like a detective.  It's none of your business why I am in the office and not the salon. 
Gabby: Well excuse me (raises her voice), Well I can tell you this rumor has it that you have been spotted out with Parker, Adrian's son.  That boy is still in high school Natalia.  Your job and reputation just might be on the line.
Natalia: Excuse me, that is none of your business and last I checked he was 18 which makes him legal.  And no I am not seeing Parker. 
Gabby: Whatever you just better watch your self.

Gabby leaves out.  Natalia pulls out her phone and texts Parker.  "we need to talk later"  I'll call you when I finish up at the office.
Natalia gathers her things and heads to the office her first appointment should be arriving around

 Natalia reviews the email Adrian sent her about the details for her first client this morning.  Natalia knows if she pull this off that she will be able to impress Adrian and maybe spend more days working in the office rather than the salon. 

 Natalia: Welcome Ms. Gregory
Ms. Gregory:  Please call me Jessica.  So glad that we could expedite this meeting.
Ms. Gregory and Natalia continue on with their meeting.  Ms. Gregory is very pleased with the presentation of the event information.  She has decided to go forward with using Adrian's business for her daughter's graduation party. 
Ms. Gregory leaves and Natalia starts to clean and get things back in order for her next meeting later on in the afternoon.

Natalia is very excited.  She is started when the office door flies open.

Natalia: Parker what are you doing here?
Parker: I came to see you.
*Parker spends her around and backs her up into the chair and lends in for a kiss*

Parker:  I miss you baby, don't you miss me.
Natalia: Parker yes I miss you, but why are you here we can't do this here.
Parker: Why not?  There is no one here but us.
Natalia: Because, this is your mother's office and if she had the slightest idea that this was going on I would be jobless.
Parker: But she isn't here she is in Miami soaking up the sun visiting her boyfriend.

She pushes Parker away. 
Natalia: We can't do this anymore.  I'm sorry Parker.
Parker: What?!
Natalia: That's why I wanted to talk to you.  My sister said something to me this morning about hearing some rumors about us.  I can't afford to lose my job behind this.
Parker: So you saying this job is more important than me, us our relationship.
Natalia: I don't want to compare the two but I can't see you like this anymore.
Parker:  If that is what you really want then so be it.
*Parker walks out*
*Natalia is left feeling disgusted.  Even though she really didn't date younger guys she liked Parker, his charm and personality were very mature in nature.  She actually enjoyed the time they spent together.*

"The Morning After"
The ladies leave and Vita decides to clean the house from top to bottom.

Hopefully some cleaning will keep her mind off of Jackson.  They normally spent Sunday attending church, delighting in a home cooked meal and watching movies.

Vita gives her mom a call after she is done.

Mom: Hey darling, how are you
Vita: I am good what about you?
Mom: Good, you should be great.  You have life, health, strength and happiness what else do you need?
Vita:  Yeah you are right all excluding that happiness thing.
Mom: Happiness, why not?  You are 25 and well established.  You own your own business, you have your on condo, car, wonderful friends, a handsome man, a bank account with plenty of money and not to mention two very loving parents.  Now unlike your cousin, Yvette with two kids struggling to hold down a job and on boyfriend #5 and is driving my sister, her mother crazy.  Darling you have it made.
Vita: Mom I get it but Jackson and I are not together anymore.  And this time it is for good.
Mom: Awwww sweetie, what happened?
Vita: *Tears roll* He was cheating on me again, with his daughter's mother, someone named Lolita and some other young girl.  I am tired of him.
Mom: Ohhh honey, it will get better. 
Vita: I feel like I have wasted so much time with him, him having Jaliya was heart wrenching.  I wanted to be the first and only mother of his children.  But know he goes out and gets someone pregnant on a one night stand and begged me to forgive him and all the other women that I have forgiven and he is still cheating on me.  Why can't I have the type of man that dad is.
Mom:  Hold on Vita your dad was not always the man he is today.  I had my share of problems with your father.  You are entitled to feel and do what you feel like is necessary for yourself.  Now that you have made up your mind act out on your actions and do what makes you happy.
Vita: *Sighs*
Mom:  Come over for dinner, your dad went to church and I am frying him some chicken with mashed potatoes and green beans his favorite. 

Vita: Hey ma, let me call you back I got a call coming in.
The call is coming through as "private"
Vita: Hello
Caller: Hey Vita, this is Jackson baby I am so so so sorry.  I know I messed up real bad this time.  I know I've said sorry before but this time is different.  I didn't mean to hurt you, it was a big mistake.  Nicola is just the mother of my daughter I don't love her like that.  She had been keeping Jaliya away from me and I needed to see her badly so I gave in to her but it meant nothing to me.  She knows how much I love you.  She is trying to destroy what we have.  Vita, hello *a pause* hello hello.
*Vita hung up* 
So confused Vita is struggling with the truth and her feelings in her heart*  Fighting back tears she takes a nap, maybe she will feel better when she wakes*

Friday, April 5, 2013

Ladies Night
Arnet, Vita and Gabriella aka Gabby are at Vita's place after a long day at work catching up and having drinks.

Arnet: "What was Jackson doing by your car after work, why did you ignore him like he wasn't standing there with a dozen roses?"
Gabriella: "Yeah, what was that all about?"
Vita:  "Jackson and I have split up, but this time it's for good.
Gabby: "What happened?"
Arnet: Don't tell me you caught him cheating with some skank hoochie mama!!!
*They all burst into laughter*
Vita: "No nothing like that but it was bad."  I won't give you all the details but just know this he is still seeing his daughters mother and somebody name Lolita.
Arnet: "Girrrrl get out of here he is just a playa, playa huh!"
Vita: "He can keep right on playing but he ain't going to play me no more."
Vita: "We are supposed to be having fun, not talking all this mushy stuff."
They ladies turn up and party!!!

They are so exhausted they crash!!!
That pink Moscato must have done it to them....