Tuesday, April 16, 2013

"The Morning After"
The ladies leave and Vita decides to clean the house from top to bottom.

Hopefully some cleaning will keep her mind off of Jackson.  They normally spent Sunday attending church, delighting in a home cooked meal and watching movies.

Vita gives her mom a call after she is done.

Mom: Hey darling, how are you
Vita: I am good what about you?
Mom: Good, you should be great.  You have life, health, strength and happiness what else do you need?
Vita:  Yeah you are right all excluding that happiness thing.
Mom: Happiness, why not?  You are 25 and well established.  You own your own business, you have your on condo, car, wonderful friends, a handsome man, a bank account with plenty of money and not to mention two very loving parents.  Now unlike your cousin, Yvette with two kids struggling to hold down a job and on boyfriend #5 and is driving my sister, her mother crazy.  Darling you have it made.
Vita: Mom I get it but Jackson and I are not together anymore.  And this time it is for good.
Mom: Awwww sweetie, what happened?
Vita: *Tears roll* He was cheating on me again, with his daughter's mother, someone named Lolita and some other young girl.  I am tired of him.
Mom: Ohhh honey, it will get better. 
Vita: I feel like I have wasted so much time with him, him having Jaliya was heart wrenching.  I wanted to be the first and only mother of his children.  But know he goes out and gets someone pregnant on a one night stand and begged me to forgive him and all the other women that I have forgiven and he is still cheating on me.  Why can't I have the type of man that dad is.
Mom:  Hold on Vita your dad was not always the man he is today.  I had my share of problems with your father.  You are entitled to feel and do what you feel like is necessary for yourself.  Now that you have made up your mind act out on your actions and do what makes you happy.
Vita: *Sighs*
Mom:  Come over for dinner, your dad went to church and I am frying him some chicken with mashed potatoes and green beans his favorite. 

Vita: Hey ma, let me call you back I got a call coming in.
The call is coming through as "private"
Vita: Hello
Caller: Hey Vita, this is Jackson baby I am so so so sorry.  I know I messed up real bad this time.  I know I've said sorry before but this time is different.  I didn't mean to hurt you, it was a big mistake.  Nicola is just the mother of my daughter I don't love her like that.  She had been keeping Jaliya away from me and I needed to see her badly so I gave in to her but it meant nothing to me.  She knows how much I love you.  She is trying to destroy what we have.  Vita, hello *a pause* hello hello.
*Vita hung up* 
So confused Vita is struggling with the truth and her feelings in her heart*  Fighting back tears she takes a nap, maybe she will feel better when she wakes*

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